Little Ripper Gold Inc. owns prospecting leases in Leonora area, Kalgoorlie and Meekatharra in the W.A. Goldfields. More leases are under consideration and will be added as membership grows. All our leases are carefully selected, giving members the best chance of finding that elusive gold nugget or two.
Little Ripper Gold Inc. Facebook page gives you a place to ask questions about anything related to finding gold, staying safe in the bush and being able to enjoy your prospecting.
Little Ripper Gold Inc. promotes a good social experience. While prospecting can often be a fairly solitary endeavour, we have a strong social history. Both at our leases and on our FB page we encourage storytelling around the campfire at the end of the day, and even a little boasting, and hope to attract like minded members. We ensure members treat each other with respect at all times and ask that all members abide by the policies that we have in place.